The Bilderberg Meeting of 2024 takes place in Madrid, Spain. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Disclosure by Nya Tider: Time and place for Bilderberg 2024

As the first magazine in the world, Nya Tider discloses where and when 2024 year's Bilderberg meeting will take place.

Nya Tider has been in contact with the Swedish government office and invoked the country’s constitutionally protected principle of public access to official records, in order to be able to obtain documents relating to the global lobby group’s communication to the Swedish government. Finally, we get to see an e-mail sent to Angela Kennedy, employed as a secretary to Sweden’s EU Minister, Jessika Roswall (Moderate party).

It states that the Bilderberg Group meeting takes place in the Spanish capital of Madrid from May 30 to June 2.

The message reads as follows:

“Hello Angela

Thanks for the call earlier today. As I mentioned, it concerns the minister’s availability to attend the Bilderberg Meetings in Madrid on May 30 from 5 pm until June 2 at lunch. Great if you have the opportunity to tune in and come back shortly. Wish you a nice weekend.”

The invitation to Bilderberg came from Sara Nyman at Investor AB, the mighty Swedish business family Wallenberg’s investment company. Source: Nya Tider/Swedish government

The e-mail reveals a startling fact. Sara Nyman, who invited the minister, in fact has no position within the Bilderberg group. Instead, she is employed at Investor AB as an executive assistant to Marcus Wallenberg, which in practice means that she is the closest secretary to the Swedish business magnate. It is also from an e-mail address at Investor AB that she contacts the cabinet committee.

Marcus Wallenberg is vice chairman of Investor AB, the Wallenberg sphere’s investment company through which it owns large shares – and thus gains decisive influence – in large Swedish and international companies. For example, Investor AB is the largest shareholder in the bank SEB, where Marcus Wallenberg is chairman of the board of directors.

Marcus Wallenberg is also a member of the Bilderberg group’s exclusive steering committee, which is responsible for the invitations. The fact that his secretary is now inviting the EU minister indicates that it is Mr. Wallenberg himself who is responsible for which Swedish ministers get the privilege of participating in the exclusive lobby meeting, which only gathers about 100 people from all over the world.

Marcus Wallenberg is a member of the Bilderberg group’s steering committee and the person responsible for which Swedish ministers get the privilege of participating in the lobby meeting. Photo: Investor AB

In her reply to Sara Nyman, the secretary at the Swedish government’s cabinet committee, Angela Kennedy, responds that EU Minister Roswall will not be able to participate. Which ministers will participate is thus still unknown to the public. Susanne Grund, another secretary at the cabinet committee, writes to Nya Tider that they cannot find any additional documents relating to the Bilderberg group meeting of 2024. This despite the fact that the meeting starts already this month.

The Bilderberg Group’s well-known strategy is to wait until the very end to make the meeting and its participants public, with the aim of making media scrutiny more difficult. Information before or after the meeting is also not made public by any governments, claiming that whoever attends the meeting does so as a “private person”.

The information that the meeting will take place in Madrid at the end of the month has been completely unknown until Nya Tider’s disclosure. The message that Sara Nyman sent to the cabinet committee ends with a text that underlines the private nature of the content. “This message (including any attachments) contains confidential information intended for a specific individual and purpose, and is protected by law. If you are not the intended recipient, you should delete this message and are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, or distribution of this message, or the taking of any action based on it, is strictly prohibited.”

Nya Tider was the only Swedish newspaper to reveal that the government’s NATO negotiator Oscar Stenström attended the Bilderberg meeting last year in Lisbon, Portugal. His presence was secret: he was not on the official list of participants. Shortly after the meeting, he resigned from his position at the government office and was instead employed by Marcus Wallenberg.

Since the Bilderberg Group’s first meeting in 1954, almost all Swedish prime ministers have participated, either before or during their time as prime minister. The only exceptions are Ingvar Carlsson and Göran Persson. A large number of other ministers have also attended.

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